Top Tips for Playing Golf in a Rainstorm

Golf Ryze-Up LLC

Using the top tips for playing golf in a rainstorm can help you survive the elements and finish your round if the weather isn’t cooperating with your game.

Sometimes, the morning weather report may call for cloudy skies without rainfall. However, those skies could dump heavy rainfall a few hours later. There’s not much you can do about rain on the 8th hole, but these top tips for playing golf in a rainstorm could show you a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Stay Dry

When playing golf in the rain, the primary goal is to stay dry. Of course, this is easier said than done since there’s no place to hide from showers on the golf course. Consider a rain hood to keep your clubs dry. You can withstand the rain better than your clubs can, so protect them at all costs.

For yourself, bring an umbrella, hat, hand warmers, and waterproof gear like rain pants, a rain jacket, and water-resistant shoes. Your golf bag should have at least one towel. The only way to dry off your gear is by using that towel. Otherwise, your equipment will be a sopping mess!

If rainy days are frequent in your area, opting for a golf simulator might be your best bet to get your golf fix, especially when you can explore the world’s finest courses.

Wear Spikes

Golfing requires firm footing to hit accurate and firm shots. When the skies unleash a fury of rain upon you, you have a poor chance of standing your ground. The best strategy to combat a rainy day is wearing golf spikes.

Don’t confuse golf shoes with golf spikes. Golf shoes are all about comfort and keeping your footing but can’t do much in a torrential downpour. Golf spikes allow you to dig in the wet ground and stay balanced. A waterproof pair of spikes should help you slush your way down the fairway.

Use Gloves

Wet hands and a slippery grip do not equate to successful drives and approach shots. Some people may consider it a win if they hold the club throughout the swing. A good pair of golf gloves is essential for golfing in the rain. If you want to go the extra mile, you can bring multiple pairs of gloves to ensure you always strike the ball squarely with dry hands.

Adjust Accordingly

Playing on a wet course is nothing like playing under sunny skies. The way the ball bounces, runs, and spins is completely different in the rain. Anticipate that the rain will slow your putts and muddy up your lies; otherwise, you’ll leave your putts and iron shots short. You might as well pick up the ball if it lands in a bunker because you’ll never get it out in a rainstorm.

The final part of the puzzle is to accept that your score will suffer. If a thunderstorm comes through, you won’t be setting any course records; you’ll have to evacuate the course. These top tips for playing golf in a rainstorm can help you get through it in good spirits.

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